Saturday, February 16, 2013

World Wide Web

Over the past decade the World Wide Web has come a very long way. It seems pretty crazy that something that started as a tiny network of computers has evolved into a service used daily by a tremendous number of people (probably over a billion). When thinking about the future of the Web I believe it will dominate almost every aspect of our lives. These days you can basically manage your life through the web. You can pay all your bills, do your taxes, knock out some school work, and write a letter all without having to leave the comfort of your home (or bed if you factor in laptops). The future of this service will most likely continue down this path in my opinion. It is very hard to even think of things the World Wide Web hasn't already done. I mean, you can start your car using the web/internet....
I think the technology the web offers will just continue to improve until a constant internet connection is necessary to live a normal life. Possibly connecting every appliance/aspect of your home so that multitasking becomes second nature. Like a web based program that you can utilize to start making coffee at this time, start my car at this time, turn the toaster on at this time, start the shower at this time...But for all I know the web already has something like this.
Another sign of evolving internet is how much "The Cloud" has become apart of the web. The Cloud basically being a gigantic external storage service for everything from video games, to photo tweaking programs. While this service adds a huge amount of convenience to our lives I can see where it could run into problems. The article that discusses netflix going down on christmas eve and the amount of people immediately complaining goes to show how much people will start to depend on this service. I know personally I thought I was going to lose my mind when the Playstation network went down for 3 days and I couldn't download any games stored in their digital cloud. If obtaining a hard copy of software becomes impossible one day I would hope that the cloud service providers have taken every precaution to ensure this doesn't happen on a regular basis

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Networks and Communication

When it comes to emailing, texting, IM'ing, and Skype there are always differing opinions on what makes this relatively new technology good, and what makes it bad. The advantages are obvious. One obvious huge advantage is a wonderful four letter "F" word..Free. You don't have to buy stamps if you don't want too. You don't have to get a long distance phone plan if you don't want too. You have basically every means of communication at your finger tips (minus the old fashion face to face). The article that explains how Facetime is making a big impact in the medical world made me think of situations in my life that would have been previously impossible without the use of video chat. My grandpa, even though sick in the hospital, was able to watch me get married because of a tablet and Facetime. However, some people would probably argue that this new technology is making people more recluse, and possibly less social. I personally prefer sending a letter rather than writing an email when i'm trying to communicate stronger feelings about my message. "Happy birthday!" doesn't sound the same in an email/facebook comment, as it does in a card, that came in an envelope, with a stamp. 

In regards to overcoming common internet concerns like spam, phishing, and scams the best advice I can think of is if you don't know the sender, don't read the email. There will always be spam and various types of scams that will fill an inbox. There are even integrated spam filters in almost all email programs that help with these kinds of situations. Whenever I get an email that says "you've won 1,000,000 dollars!" in the subject line I immediately delete it and would recommend most do the same (unless you actually won a million dollars, i'm sure they will contact you by phone if email fails).

Texting and driving is a humungous problem in my opinion in todays world. 1 out of every 3 cars I look at usually has a person with their face buried in their phone. I will admit that I have done this before and imagine most people have. But there are solutions. Phones are coming out with new ways to solve this problem like "talk to text". Now I am not saying that talk to text is a solution by any means, but its a start (it might have saved that woman from falling in the fountain..). With phones becoming more and more integrated into vehicle technology I imagine a bluetooth talk to text via your car that will read the message back to your for any corrections (they probably already have this) and hopefully lead to a safer roadway,