Sunday, March 10, 2013


I believe that a blackboard/blog conversation has a lot more depth and can be much more engaging than a Twitter conversation. The fact that you only have 140 characters to work with can be extremely limiting when it comes to getting all your points across. I personally prefer a blackboard/blog conversation because they give you the freedom to say as much as you want to say.

On twitter I followed Gamestop for a business and Gov. Pat Quinn for a politician. Their respective posts could obviously not be more different. The Governors posts are obviously all political and revolve around a new budget proposal. Gamestop however, lets me know what sweet game deals are going on right now. Save 20$ on NBA2K13? sure..thanks Gamestop


  1. Blackboard and Blogs do allow for more indepth conversations. I prefer Twitter; short and to the point!!

  2. I prefer blog for this reason.I don't like being limited to a certain number of characters .

  3. Twitter is great for education and as well as entertainment. Just like Kelly said, it's short and to the point.
